


The Genesis of false Gospels

by Mark Driscoll


In this mp3 from the 2004 Reformission Conference, Mark Driscoll discusses false gospels and why they exist. False gospels elevate man and the true gospel elevates and brings more value to God. False Gospels also give false hope. Paul encourages to be aware as false gospels tend to arise in the church. There are many false gospels seen in Genesis. The false gospel of pluralism. The false gospel called the gospel of feminism. The next false gospel that is in backlash to feminism is the gospel of chauvinism. The false gospel of affinity. After a failed attempt of affinity there is a false gospel of nationalism. Then there is a turn into a false gospel of individualism or self-rule. There is also the false gospel of spirituality or universalism. The redemptive part of the Genesis story goes from creation to curse to then covenant. God goes back to original intention of creation. Preach the total cross, death, resurrection and ultimately his consummation.

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