Objections to the Christian Faith from the Unchurched and De-Churched
Tue Dec 02, 2014
by Resurgence -
Craig Groeschel: We Innovate for Jesus
Tue Oct 14, 2014
by Resurgence -
Mark Driscoll: Revelation
Tue Oct 07, 2014
by Resurgence -
Tue Sep 30, 2014
by Resurgence -
Resurgence Leadership #033: John Piper, Why I Trust the Scriptures, Part 1
Tue Sep 23, 2014
by Resurgence
The Whole Glory of the Gospel of God: From Him, Through Him, and to Him (Part 2)
God is the Gospel. In this last audio session from pastor John Piper at the Reformission Conference 2004, John Piper expounds on the essentials of the gospel. There are many "things" that the cross of Christ bought for us that are part of the end point in understanding the gospel. Every pastor needs to present the God centered gospel in their church. First is understanding the goal of predestination as part of the gospel. Then there is the fact that you were created to give glory and hope in God alone. Thirdly the need to understand the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Another "thing" to understand, is the propitiation of the cross. Pastors also need to understand the love of God through sanctification. The gospel also includes the weight of unity amongst the churches of the world. Preach the consummation within the relationship of the gospel. Finally if we do not get love out of the gospel then we will hurt ourselves and others. Therefore we need to realize that this mp3 teaches us that the gospel enables Christians to enjoy God forever, amen.