


Paradigm Shift, Not Program Shift: An Interview with Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

by Gary Shavey


Family Driven FaithVoddie Baucham wrote a great book on the importance and purpose of the family. A Family Driven Faith: Doing What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God was released this summer 2007. He takes a great approach for Christians to rethink and relive what the family is all about. Taking principles from Deuteronomy 6 Dr. Baucham addresses the crisis of losing Christian kids to secular humanism as it starts with the family. This is not a book on fixing the program or how to start a program for the family. This book is about shifting paradigms from clinical psychology to what the Bible calls Dads and Moms to do in raising their children. The byproduct of this will be God glorifying as well as evangelistically being light and salt in a confused world.

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