


Recap: Spurgeon is the Man Week

Mark Driscoll » Dead Guys

We spent a whole week talking about Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He's a great preacher and man of God that we could all learn from. Below are the links to all of the posts. If you have anything to add about why Spurgeon is the man, blog about it and send @mikeyanderson the link.

Introduction Spurgeon was a Bible Guy Spurgeon Prayed, Laughed, Cared, and Evangelized Spurgeon Wrote Books That the Haters Hated spurgeon

Shout Outs All of these people responded on Twitter to this question, and got it right.

Good job, can any of you think of more ways to make this blog a little more interactive?

Send to @mikeyanderson, he'll get it going.

nate_downey groovingdan mentalVelocity Dustin DeKoekkoek johntmeche3 jason salamun jreighley shakadu Danny Gandy Christian Selvaratnam Matt Green Jake Porter Daniel Rowe pastortrav KingdomGeek davidtstone lenflack pastorchip4 matandamanda dwayne forehand danott bobick Gregory Pittman Ryan Tindall ggfox2001 Tracy Barnes tim_wonil elle_jay jwmoss jeffreyatack bradandrews inertia186 nmabry amyletinsky Wynn Netherland benjaminreis deTheos Rae Whitlock Ross Middleton Robb Stankey joshbrickey Matt Heerema mikevh jasontarn mrclm Lee Wilson funglu epaga billyritchie Ian Jukes AtmosphereChurch sethhoff Luke Minkner Brian Vinson richardrussell mikemacon scottyz jeff50 rjmlangley Bob Evans stephencf basherdesigns Aaron Lord James Van Noord charv adam clark Steelo Rodney Fickas Darryl Burling gensheer Adrian Warnock Larry Gross ginoc hayesy Gabriel Rodriguez fossboss Mark Walley Matt Newboult oddsocks jeffreylo

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