


Past Results Often Reveal Future Performance (Lesson #3)

Mark Driscoll » Mission Church Church Leadership

This is a series on 11 Leadership Lessons from 12 Disciples, based on the recent sermon Jesus Calls the Twelve, on Luke 6:12-16.

Lesson #3: Past results often reveal future performance

Jesus looks out across his ministry, and he picks leaders who are already doing stuff. If you've never done anything, something radical could change, but the odds are tomorrow, you're not going to wake up and start doing a lot. If you're not faithful, you're probably not going to be faithful. There's something to be said for consistency, what Eugene Peterson calls, "long obedience in the same direction." Some people walk into Mars Hill and say, "Okay, I want to do this." "Okay, have you ever done anything?" "Nope." "Okay, then why in the world would we give you this great opportunity? Shouldn't you first do anything? Humbly serve, find something to do, show us that you can show up two weeks in a row, find your pants, you know, just knock a few things off your to-do list, and then we'll talk about making you a leader." Because people walk, in they're like, "I want to be in charge of something." "All right, you can be in charge of you. We're going to start there, and if you nail that, we'll move on, okay?" But Jesus doesn't just pick people who have never done anything. Some of these guys have run businesses. They're all following him in ministry. They're serving informally. The ministry's grown, now it's time to officialize the leadership, and he picks those who have already performed, they've already done something. You need to know this at Mars Hill, the best way to rise up in leadership is to be getting things done. Become a member, join a community group, lead a community group, lead a worship team, lead a serving team. Move up through deaconship, move up through eldership. Whatever God has for you, you've got to start by doing something. There are a lot of people who walk in, and they're totally fired up for two weeks, and then it's over, you never see them again. Past performance indicates future performance. We want to see somebody who's been doing something before we unleash them to do something else. To be continued.

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