


Please Do This Today

Mark Driscoll » Church Church Leadership Culture

Did you go to church yesterday? Was your heart encouraged? Was it a memorable day that you enjoyed with family and friends? 

Did you consider the leaders in your church who served faithfully? Did you consider their families and the sacrifices they made to serve you yesterday? 

As a ministry leader, I can tell you that Easter is the biggest week of the year. It has the most work, is preceded by the most spiritual warfare, results in the most joy, and is often followed by the most grief. 

Today is the day after the big day. Your ministry leaders are feeling the rebound effect. They won't likely tell you this, but today at some point they will wonder if all the time, effort, and sacrifice that ministry requires are worth it. You can be certain that today the enemy will seek to discourage them, critics will pick at them, and they will have at least some regret that they never get to go to church as a family and enjoy a "normal" holiday just once. 

So, please encourage them. Give them a call or send them a letter, card, text, or email to just say thank you for their loving service and sacrifice. While you are at it, thank their families as well. 

Please do this today. 

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