


The Explicit Gospel

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by Matt Chandler » Categories: God Scripture Conferences Gospel Sin Atonement Recommended Books

Pastor Matt Chandler spoke at a different city up and down the east coast every night for a week straight on the Explicit Gospel Tour. Inspired by the needs of both the overchurched and the unchurched, and bolstered by the common neglect of the explicit gospel within Christianity, Pastor Matt begins with the specifics of the gospel—outlining what it is and what it is not—and then switches gears to focus on the fullness of the gospel and its massive implications on both personal and cosmic levels. Here is a call to true Christianity, to know the gospel explicitly, and to unite the church on the amazing grounds of the good news of Jesus!




Find out more what the gospel is and what it isn't in Pastor Matt Chandler's new book, The Explicit Gospel. Also, check out the DVD Leader Kit and Study Guide from Lifeway. 

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