


Congratulations, Lecrae!

Mark Driscoll » Music Culture

On Sunday night, hip-hop artist Lecrae Moore became the first MC to win the Grammy for Best Gospel Album. The man was apparently detained on the red carpet and didn’t actually get to go onstage to accept the award, but he did take home the hardware.

Lecrae is a friend of Resurgence, and a personal friend as well. He loves Jesus. He has an amazing wife and family. And he is a faithful missionary for Jesus in the hip-hop and music cultures.

God has blessed Lecrae with a lot of wisdom, experience, and humility at a young age, and we’ve benefitted greatly from his work here on Resurgence. Here are some of the highlights:

Let's continue to pray for our brother as God shows him favor in what has to be one of the most challenging ministry environments there is. Congratulations, Lecrae!



Head over to the Mars Hill Church website to download a free track from Lecrae.

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