


Resurgence Leadership #012: Greg Laurie & James MacDonald Q&A

Resurgence » Family Church Preaching Church Leadership Interview Series

Resurgence Leadership #012: Greg Laurie & James MacDonald Q&A

Learn how to persevere in ministry and still have fun in the latest episode of Resurgence Leadership.

Today on Resurgence Leadership, you have the opportunity to listen in while Pastor Mark Driscoll talks with renowned leaders Greg Laurie and James MacDonald. These Q&A sessions, recorded live at the 2013 Resurgence Conference, cover what Greg Laurie learned from the Jesus Movement and persevering in ministry, while James talks about pranking pastors and a theology of fun.



This week’s program covers these questions and more:

  • What lessons can we learn from leaders who have left church ministry?

  • Why was Greg Laurie once booed at a conference?

  • Does spiritual giftedness equal holiness?

  • What are the differences between spiritual gifting and the fruits of the Spirit?

  • Why should church leaders not raise up aspiring leaders too quickly?

  • How can preachers best follow the Bible instead of having the Bible follow them when expounding a passage?

  • How can leaders avoid burnout and finish well?

  • Does Billy Graham really listen to Smashing Pumpkins?

  • What can older men learn from listening to younger men?

  • What happens to someone who doesn’t learn to laugh or have fun?

  • How do you raise kids who love and serve Jesus?

  • Why is it important for parents to share ministry experiences with their kids?

  • Is there a secret “pastor’s kid” handshake?



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