


Our Top 5 Posts of April

Resurgence » Worship Church Evangelism Sanctification Atonement

Our Top 5 Posts of April

Here are some of our most-read posts from the month of April. We’ve listed them here so you can read them for the first time, read them again, or share them with your friends.

#5) 7 Ways to Create an Evangelistic Culture in Your Church

By Dave Bruskas

So your church is “evangelical.” But is it evangelistic? Here are seven ways you as a pastor can build an evangelistic culture that’s about more than baptism numbers.

#4) Be Strong or Be Still?

By Marsha Michaelis

If you’re a Christian, you’ve probably struggled to figure out what it looks like to walk the line between resting in Jesus’ work and striving to obey him. But are you asking the right questions?

#3) 3 Key Characteristics of Disciples of Jesus

By Ryan Welsh

How do you teach new Christians what it looks like to follow Jesus? You learn from Jesus’ first disciples.

#2) Songs for Easter from Mars Hill Music

By Dustin Kensrue

As one of the most important weekends on the Christian calendar approaches, we want to share some resources for worship leaders. We hope these songs are helpful as you lead your congregation through the heaviness of Good Friday and the joyful celebration of Easter.

#1) A Medical Account of Jesus’ Death

By Mark Driscoll

When you reconstruct the medical aspects of Jesus’ crucifixion, the result is a brutal, vivid picture of what Jesus endured to save people from sin.


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