


What Kind of Church Should You Belong To?

Dave Bruskas » Church Church Leadership Community

What Kind of Church Should You Belong To?

Being in a healthy local church is critical to the spiritual health of men. But how do you know if you’re in a healthy church?

Men long to be a part of something greater than themselves. That’s why they join teams, companies, armies, unions, clubs, and even gangs.

Jesus invites men to be a part of the greatest “greater than you” thing the world has ever known: his church. According to the Bible, the church is both global and local. And being in a healthy local church is critical to the spiritual health of men. But what makes a healthy church?

A healthy church is led by a healthy pastor

The Apostle Paul’s inspired words to a young pastor and his spiritual son, Timothy, should be considered: “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation to teaching. . . . Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim. 4:13, 15–16).

Jesus invites men to be a part of the greatest “greater than you” thing the world has ever known: his church.

If Paul is instructing Timothy to be a healthy pastor in order to lead a healthy church, then you and I can look for some clues from this text as to what type of church we should belong to.

1. Belong to a church led by a pastor who bleeds the Bible

Nothing is more foundational to spiritual growth, for men and women alike, than understanding and believing the Bible. And nothing is more important to believing the Bible than careful and consistent Bible preaching and teaching. A healthy pastor will live in and live out the Bible.

2. Belong to a church led by a pastor making progress

Paul told young Timothy the goal was progress rather than perfection. Accordingly, the door is open for Pastor Timothy to openly acknowledge his imperfections, failures, and need for growth as a pastor.

He doesn’t have to be perfect. He is a work in progress. His preaching, shepherding and leadership skills should improve with time. His honesty in and humility about who he is and who he needs to become must be on display for all to see.

A healthy pastor will live in and live out the Bible.

There are no perfect pastors, perfect members, or perfect churches. But there are healthy and unhealthy churches. Healthy churches are those where pastors make progress as servant leaders.

3. Belong to a church led by a pastor practicing self-watch

A healthy pastor leading a healthy church is first concerned about his personal growth in doctrine and holiness. He understands that the health of the whole church is interdependent with his own.

Much as the mother on an airplane traveling with an infant must first secure the oxygen mask to her face before she can save her child during an emergency, the healthy pastor must breathe in the Holy Spirit through personal Bible study, prayer, and repentance to be empowered to help others do the same. Then all in the church will worship Jesus as sinners he has saved for his glory.

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