


Resurgence Leadership #018: Tim Keller on Being the Church in our Culture, Part 2

Resurgence » Mission Calling Community Culture Church

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Tim Keller explains how culture, contextualization, and mission intersect in this week’s episode of Resurgence Leadership.

This week on Resurgence Leadership, Dr. Tim Keller explains how Christianity affects the way we work and how Christians should engage a post-Christian culture. This is the second installment of a two-part message recorded live at a 2006 Resurgence event in Seattle. For the first installment, check out last week’s episode.



Here are some highlights from this week’s program:

All cultural production is basically gardening. This means no cultural activity is too menial.

You cannot do ministry without some working model of contextualization.

If you over-adapt to the culture you’re trying to reach, it means you’ve bought into that culture’s idols.

If you under-adapt to the culture you’re trying to reach, you’ve bought into the idols of the culture you’re from.

The gospel is the key to contextualization.

The gospel says, I’m more wicked than I ever believed and I’m more loved and accepted in Christ than I ever hoped.




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